Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year

Happy New Year All!

As I've said before I want to Write/Post about the Life of Emily and Alex but never go through with it. This year I am Doing it.

This will be a year in the life of a Married Gaming Couple who enjoy outdoor Adventures and Geeky Things. I'll talk about things we've done, things we would like to do, and things we will do.

So Here it goes!

Hi. My name is Emily, Nice to meet you. My Husband is Alex. We have Three Cats, Snorlax, Harry and Dottie. We enjoy playing Video Games, traveling, playing with Rubik's Cubes, Reading, watching Movies, Bike Riding and so much more. I just got a new job recently as a Flight Attendant but before than I was a Movie theater Manager for 6 1/2 years, Alex is an RN, also part time badass. We meet in high school in 2004, have been Together since 2008, and Married in 2014.






We currently spend most of our time playing video games online with friends, mostly Overwatch, it has been our biggest obsession this past year. We wish we could enjoy our Bicylces a bit more, but living in the state of heat (Florida), it's hard to find days that are bearable. one of our favorite things to do is Cosplay, we've been to the past 3 Tampa Bay Comic Cons and going again this year!

We are hoping to go on more mini adventures this year now that we have flight benefits through my job, but we'll see how our schedules will treat us. the life of a Nurse and Flight Attendant are very different than you'd imagine.

That's it for today. More to come!
I'm very excited about what this new year will bring us. Can't wait to share it with the world.

XoXo EmmyDee